Projects are the ongoing initiatives of our organization. Some of our projects are: a primary school for over 120 students, an ongoing effort to provide clean drinking...
These are the current locations for our work at Captivate Global. As we add new mission sites, you will find those locations here. Our work...
Our sponsorships are the heart of Captivate Global. You are our "Dream Team". Your regular support allows children in some of the world's most impoverished...
Campaigns allow you to fundraise for specific needs/items within Captivate Global. You can use an image or video in addition to text to help explain...
Here are some of sponsorship opportunities with Captivate Global.
Here are a few of our personal campaigns - started by and supported by you.
Our team is dedicated to serving those in need around the world through spiritual and economic development.
Founder of Paradise Community Church, Executive Director of the PBA & co-founder of CGI.
Native of Kenya, co-founder of CGI, and visionary. Oversees all operations in East Africa.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.
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